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Bokashi Mix – 2kg bag

Original price was: R185.00.Current price is: R170.00.

Bokashi Mix – 2kg bag

You will need a bag of Bokashi Mix. This is the probiotic that will be used to ferment the kitchen waste.
Once full, a bin will hold about 450g of Bokashi.

The Bokashi bags are recyclable.
700g Bokashi Mix in a re-usable food scrapes bucket
This works perfectly if you need a container for collecting your daily food waste.

You can keep it in the fridge.

At the end of each day you will empty the container into the 25lt Bokashi bin.

The container comes with 700g of Bokashi Mix inside.

Size: 17cm x 14.5cm (2.5liter)

SKU: BokashiBran2kg01 Category:


Bokashi Mix – 2kg bag