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Cabbage Red Acre Seeds


Cabbage Red Acre Seeds

Cabbage is a fairly easy plant to grow, as it is a hardy vegetable, and also comes in different colours, such as red, green and white. Most cabbages will have smooth, tightly packed heads of leaves, but some varietals have crinkled leaves. Cabbage belongs to the Cole crop family, like broccoli and Brussels sprouts and has more vitamin C than oranges.

Before Planting
Cabbage require fertile soils in a pH range of 6.5-7.5, supplied with consistent irrigation throughout the growing period.

For Spring crops, opt for early and midseason varieties. Plant 2 seeds per cell, around 0.6 cm deep. Expect seedlings to be ready for transplanting within 4-6 weeks. Aim to maintain soil temperature above 24°C until germination, then lower air temperature to about 15.5°C. When transplanting outdoors, space them 30-45 cm apart in rows 45-90 cm apart. Cabbage thrives in cooler growing temperatures, ideally between 12.8-24°C, although it can still yield decent crops in warmer summer conditions.

For Autumn crops, use midseason and storage varieties. Begin seedlings in late spring and move them to the garden early in summer. To ensure fully developed heads, sow the crop early in areas where heavy freezes occur early in autumn. Successful cabbage crops can be grown in regions with milder winters. Transplanting can be done from September to February in these regions. Plant 3-4 seeds 30 cm apart, 1.3 cm deep, in rows 60-90 cm apart, thinning to one plant in each group.

Be sure to water evenly, as uneven water can split the heads. Cut back on watering as cabbage reaches maturity, as this also can split the heads.

Cabbage requires heavy fertilisation. Fertilise plants with a high-nitrogen fertiliser

Days to Maturity
See each variety for maturity rate from transplanting.

Relatively young heads (still green and actively growing) store best. Ideal conditions are 32°F at 95% relative humidity, with good air circulation.

Cabbage plants do better when planted near herbs like dill and rosemary. Avoid planting cabbage near strawberries, tomatoes or pole beans.

AVG. Seeding Rate: 100 seeds/50′, 500 seeds/250′, 1M/500′, 29M/acre at 2 seeds/ft. with rows 36″ apart.

Minimum 30 seeds per pack.



Cabbage Red Acre Seeds