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Melinis Nerviglumis 4lt


Melinis Nerviglumis 4lt
Common Name: Pink Pampas Grass, Ruby Grass

Melinis nerviglumis, commonly known as Ruby Grass or Pink Pampas Grass, is a stunning ornamental grass that is prized for its vibrant, fluffy flower heads and graceful form.

Foliage: The grass has fine, blue-green foliage that forms soft clumps, growing up to about 30–60 cm in height.
Flowers: One of its standout features is the pink or ruby-red flower heads that appear in late spring to summer. These flower heads fade to a silvery colour as they mature, creating a striking visual effect.
Growth Habit: Melinis nerviglumis is a perennial grass that forms mounds or clumps. It grows relatively quickly and adds a delicate, airy quality to garden spaces.

Ideal Location
Sunlight: This grass thrives in full sun but can tolerate light shade. For the best colour and flowering, plant it in a sunny spot.
Soil: It prefers well-drained soil and is quite adaptable to various soil types, though sandy or loamy soils are best. It doesn’t perform well in heavy, waterlogged soils.

Planting Instructions
Timing: Plant in spring or early summer to give it time to establish before colder weather.
Spacing: Space plants about 30–45 cm apart to allow them room to form clumps.
Planting Depth: Plant the grass so that the root crown is level with the soil surface.
Watering: Water regularly during the first growing season to help the plant establish deep roots. Once established, it’s moderately drought-tolerant but will benefit from occasional watering during dry spells.

Pruning: Cut back the foliage in late winter or early spring to encourage fresh new growth. You can trim the dead flower heads to keep the plant looking tidy, though they add winter interest if left in place.
Fertilising: This grass typically doesn’t require much feeding, but you can apply a balanced fertiliser in early spring to promote healthy growth.
Watering: Once established, Ruby Grass is fairly drought-tolerant, but it will perform better with regular watering, especially in hot, dry conditions.
Division: Divide the clumps every few years to keep the plant vigorous and to prevent overcrowding.

Where to Plant
Borders and Garden Beds: It works well in mixed borders, adding texture and a splash of colour when in bloom. It’s perfect for softening the edges of garden beds.
Rock Gardens: The grass’s drought tolerance and compact form make it a great choice for rock gardens or dry, low-maintenance landscapes.
Containers: It can also be grown in pots or containers, making it a versatile option for patios or small gardens.
Wildlife Gardens: The fluffy seed heads attract birds, while the flowers are good for pollinators like bees and butterflies.


Melinis Nerviglumis 4lt